Brandon Newlin

My life.

Friday, September 08, 2006

My brain is full

You may wonder why my brain would be full on a Friday night, the night when brains should be emptied in favor of some mindless entertainment. The mindless entertainment will come, no doubt, but the reason my head is so full is that I began reading a fascinating book today. The book, "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller, is one I've been wanting to read for a while and I finally got my hands on it late last night at the Wheaton Public Library. So, after a Spanish test, a Bio pop quiz, and a new declension in Greek, I unwound by reading. I squeezed in a short run (my knee's still not completely healed) and read some more. I have a couple more chapters to go, which I'm going to to try to finish before I watch Rudy on the lawn tonight. (big screen)

"Blue Like Jazz" is hard to put into a certain genre, but it's basically this guy's coming to an understanding of Christianity through his life. I can't really explain it, but it's an interesting perspective on American Christianity, and although I wouldn't endorse everything he says, it's an honest portrayal of a sinner redeemed and being sanctified by God's grace. It's been pretty convicting to me and I would recommend it to others, but like I said, I wouldn't endorse everything.

Last night I did my first shift of babysitting at church. Jonny had a meeting and Christine was getting some rare social time with some friends, so naturally the intern has to step in. I didn't mind. I've probably eaten my weight in food at their house already and stayed a few nights there, so I've gotten way more out of the deal than they have. It was such torture to hold Noah and play with Isaac for an hour. Everything went smoothly and Noah made me look good by not fussing and falling asleep for a little while. Isaac couldn't get enough of me squirting myself in the face with the water fountain.

Rudy is calling me so I must go. I have a bunch of other interesting things that have happened, so hopefully I'll have some free time tomorrow.

Good night,


At 11:28 AM, Blogger Rob and Amanda Edmondson said...

Rudy is a great movie:) We even own it in old-school VHS! Thanks for babysitting for us- especially on the night before a "Spanish test, a Bio pop quiz, and a new declension in Greek"! I had a great time with the girls, and Isaac probably had way more fun watching you soak yourself than he ever would have had with me at home.
Please know you are always welcome to come over to hang out, eat, sleep, whatever!

At 6:34 PM, Blogger somebody,somewhere said...

Hey Brandon, your life sounds as crazy as ours - guess what? Tessa went out for Cross-Country! :) AND, she's LOVING it - SORE legs and all! It's her FIRST time - last year in P.E., she ran the mile in like 13 minutes, this week in CC she ran it in 9:11 :) AND she IS ths Jr. High girls team - the ONLY girl in 7th OR 8th grade on the team, and only 3 or 4 boys - but she has been running with Amanda, and the other girls from Youth Group, so that is good - I'm so proud of her! :)


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