Brandon Newlin

My life.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Busy Week

Wow, it's been a busy week.

I'm sorry I've neglected to write anything, but I've had a bunch of stuff to do and have probably been on the computer for about an hour all week, so I haven't had much of a chance to post anything. I'll breeze through a few of the notable things that happened this week.

On Tuesday I got up at six to meet my fellow small-group leaders for breakfast. I was proud of myself for getting up on time and being semi-coherent as I walked out to my car. Then I tried starting it and nope, my car wanted to stay right where it was. My best guess is the humidity and the lack of use (it had been over a week since I started it) combined with the age and condition of my 1991 Mazda protege that caused it to refuse to cooperate with me. Throw in my complete lack of automobile knowledge and I wasn't going anywhere that morning. I still wanted to get to breakfast, so I made my way back to my room to ask my roommate if I could borrow his car or at least call the guys I was standing up at the moment. As I got closer to my dorm, I discovered I had grabbed the wrong card off of my desk in the darkness of my room. I needed my student ID, which is necessary to scan to get in the dorm. No one was awake at 6 in the morning and I didn't want to wake anyone up, so I had to wait until about 7:30 before there were any signs of life.

Although I didn't make it to the breakfast, small group went very well last night, and my car started today by some miracle. It took a while to get warmed up, but after I went for a half hour drive she was running just fine. I'll just have to remember to start up my car every couple of days to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I'm just getting over an annoying cold and today was the first sunny day all week, so all-in-all it was a great day. I've gotten a few grade updates lately, and so far I'm doing pretty well. It's early, but hopefully starting with a strong foundation will keep things on the right track.

I have a DSG (disciple small group) thing to get to, so this is all I have for now. I'll try to be as faithful as I can to keeping this updated.

Good day,


At 8:02 PM, Blogger David said...

Glad to get an update from you. These blogs are nice. We miss you and will continue to pray for you.


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