Day two of classes promises to be less busy, but still packed full of stuff. I usually only have one class on Thursdays, but today I had to report to the biology room at 7:45 (ugh) to take a standardized test. The test has no effect on our grade but there is a 5% penalty for not taking it. I got up pretty early, with enough time to get a good breakfast in with my devotions and even a shower. I got to the testing room pretty groggy, but prepared for the next two hours of endless choices and filling in bubbles. The test is designed to be taken before and after a person's science college career at Wheaton, and I am a little rusty since the last course I took on Biology was 3 years ago. I am confident that I bombed it. I recognized a few of the words and problems, but my base of knowledge from high school has drastically eroded. I think I'll have my work cut out for me.
Greek so far has been exciting. I mastered the alphabet during a five-mile run yesterday and can't get enough of it. I was reading through a little of the Greek New Testament and even though I don't really understand most of the words, pronouncing them in the original language was exhilirating (and yes, very, very nerdy. I think I squealed with delight once or twice.) I don't think I'll have a problem putting in the work to learn Greek.
One might call me stupid for taking two languages, Greek and Spanish, at the same time. And they're probably right. Language classes obviously require a lot of work, especially if one wants to become proficient. I only hope that I'll remain dedicated throughout the semester to both languages and be able to keep them separate from each other. If I can do that, I'll be at a great advantage to learn new languages and therefore equip myself to be used by God wherever he sends me.
To wrap things up, I just came from the parking office. Car registration for sophomores isn't until this Saturday, so what business would I have at the parking office today? Well...appartently my decision last Saturday to park in a visitor's parking lot on campus and not go to my car for three days was a mistake. Amidst the confusion of orientation and everything else, I neglected to follow parking procedures (which was going to happen anyway because I am not registered to park anywhere) and parked overnight in an non-overnight parking space. I didn't notice the result of my mistake until Monday, when from a distance I could make out three small sheets of paper on my windshield. I walked over and was disappointed to find $90 worth of tickets.
I went to the parking office this morning and they were very gracious, so I won't have to pay the tickets, although registration alone is $150. I was so glad that I didn't have to pay the extra money that I celebrated by buying a Spanish textbook for $85. Ahh, the joys of college.
I'll be sure to keep you posted on my future financial expenditures and my attempts to master two languages at once.
Until then,